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SearchAI SemanticLens

A search experience that finds what you didn’t know you were looking for.

Users may be confident in the search terms they are using, but they don’t always know what they don’t know — leaving important content inaccessible.

Most technologies rely on keyword search and advancements that build on the keyword itself. SearchBlox has built an arsenal of tools that leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help users expand their search beyond keywords and phrases.

Our growing suite of AI-driven tools help organizations automatically enhance user experience by connecting users to the data they really want.

SearchAI SmartSuggest™ doesn’t limit results to autocomplete suggestions based on the exact term or phrase users type. It suggests results related to but not exactly based on the keyword. Learn More

SearchAI SmartSynonyms™ includes synonym matches for the user’s content AND its context – broadening the return of quality results. Learn More

Now, with the addition of SearchAI SemanticLens, a user’s search results can surpass what they could ever have expected.

SearchAI SemanticLens produces results that understand the user’s intent and go beyond what they have even considered, taking into account the intent, context and relationship between the words.

SemanticLens takes a hybrid approach to semantic search.

Our SemanticLens tool takes search to a new level by combining our intelligent search capabilities with the benefits of semantic search, creating a model that gives you the best of both worlds. It essentially adds an additional layer on top of our intelligent search, producing unexpected but contextually relevant results.

Understanding User Query

SemanticLens analyzes user search and understands intent — not just the keyword — to retrieve results that are unexpected, but useful, to users and customers.

Offering Useful Results

SemanticLens leverages Natural Language Processing (NLP) and identifies synonyms and related concepts to give users a personalized experience.

Minimizes User Guesswork

SemanticLens is particularly useful for users who aren’t sure what they’re looking for. Using search intent, the user is given related content that fits their need.

How does traditional keyword search compare against AI-driven SemanticLens? See for yourself.


Keyword Search

Semantic Search

How the query is understood.

Looks for exact words or phrases in the text of documents.

Analyzes query to understand user intent, and leverages that understanding to retrieve results that are likely to be useful to the user. 

Vocabulary and grammar limitations.

Limited to the vocabulary and grammar of the language used in the query.

Can understand intent behind query via Natural Language Processing (NLP) and can look into synonyms and related concepts.

How search results are retrieved.

Retrieves documents that contain the exact keywords or phrases in the query.

Retrieves results that match intent of the query, rather than just simple keywords or phrases.

How relevant the results are to the query.

Results may not be as relevant if the query is not formulated clearly, or if the user is looking for information that is not explicitly stated in the query.

Can be more effective when the user’s query is not clearly formulated or when the user is looking for information that is not explicitly stated in the query.

We like to think of SemanticLens as the virtual version of a librarian. In a physical setting, you approach a librarian with a book or topic you are looking for and they are often able to find what you need while giving you options you never considered. The librarian can evaluate your intent along with the resources and content in the library, so can SemanticLens.

Timo Selvaraj, Chief Product Officer

SearchAI SemanticLens

A search experience that finds what you didn’t know you were looking for.

Users may be confident in the search terms they are using, but they don’t always know what they don’t know — leaving important content inaccessible.

Most technologies rely on keyword search and advancements that build on the keyword itself. SearchBlox has built an arsenal of tools that leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help users expand their search beyond keywords and phrases.

Our growing suite of AI-driven tools help organizations automatically enhance user experience by connecting users to the data they really want.

SearchAI SmartSuggest™ doesn’t limit results to autocomplete suggestions based on the exact term or phrase users type. It suggests results related to but not exactly based on the keyword.

SearchAI SmartSynonyms™ includes synonym matches for the user’s content AND its context – broadening the return of quality results.

Now, with the addition of SearchAI SemanticLens, a user’s search results can surpass what they could ever have expected.

SearchAI SemanticLens produces results that understand the user’s intent and go beyond what they have even considered, taking into account the intent, context and relationship between the words.

SemanticLens takes a hybrid approach to semantic search.

Our SemanticLens tool takes search to a new level by combining our intelligent search capabilities with the benefits of semantic search, creating a model that gives you the best of both worlds. It essentially adds an additional layer on top of our intelligent search, producing unexpected but contextually relevant results.

Understanding User Query

SemanticLens analyzes user search and understands intent — not just the keyword — to retrieve results that are unexpected, but useful, to users and customers.

Offering Useful Results

SemanticLens leverages Natural Language Processing (NLP) and identifies synonyms and related concepts to give users a personalized experience.

Minimizes User Guesswork

SemanticLens is particularly useful for users who aren’t sure what they’re looking for. Using search intent, the user is given related content that fits their need.

How does traditional keyword search compare against AI-driven SemanticLens? See for yourself.

  • Keyword Search

    Looks for exact words or phrases in the text of documents.

    Semantic Search

    Analyzes query to understand user intent, and leverages that understanding to retrieve results that are likely to be useful to the user. 

  • Keyword Search

    Limited to the vocabulary and grammar of the language used in the query.

    Semantic Search

    Can understand intent behind query via Natural Language Processing (NLP) and can look into synonyms and related concepts.

  • Keyword Search

    Retrieves documents that contain the exact keywords or phrases in the query.

    Semantic Search

    Retrieves results that match intent of the query, rather than just simple keywords or phrases.

  • Keyword Search

    Results may not be as relevant if the query is not formulated clearly, or if the user is looking for information that is not explicitly stated in the query.

    Semantic Search

    Can be more effective when the user’s query is not clearly formulated or when the user is looking for information that is not explicitly stated in the query.

We like to think of SemanticLens as the virtual version of a librarian. In a physical setting, you approach a librarian with a book or topic you are looking for and they are often able to find what you need while giving you options you never considered. The librarian can evaluate your intent along with the resources and content in the library, so can SemanticLens.

Timo Selvaraj, Chief Product Officer

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