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SearchAI SmartFAQs™

It’s time to rethink FAQs.

Until now, your help desk, support staff, and product marketing teams have had to come up with lists of questions customers might ask. It’s time intensive, they’re impossible to keep up to date, and the questions themselves often miss the mark on how customers actually speak or search for what they need.

FAQs Can Be Improved

SmartFAQs™ automatically eliminates the most annoying parts of creating and maintaining FAQs.

Generate and maintain FAQs with zero effort.

AI crawls PDFs, web content and more to generate context-rich questions which are curated for search relevancy.

Reduce support calls with fast, accurate answers.

You’re no longer limited to a finite, static list of responses. Help users discover answers fast without needing a human interpreter.

Keep users on your site with a unified search experience.

Whether their answer lives in your knowledge base, on product pages, or in your customer portal, users have access to it all in one place.

SearchBlox SmartFAQs™

An independent UX research team reported that SmartFAQs™ helped users find answers 2.5x faster than traditional FAQs.

Give Users What They Want

Stop wasting time guessing what users need. Start delivering specific answers to the questions they’re really asking.

Digital Document Files

SmartFAQs AI crawls content sources across the organization to find the right information.

NLP Automation

NLP automation generates a related list of context-rich questions.

Teenage asian woman drinking coffee while sitting on kitchen counter and working on smart phone in morning at home.

Results are tuned for relevancy based on user engagement, keeping FAQs fresh and accurate.

Organizational Content Insights

Insights and analytics show what users are actually searching for. It’s easy to add, edit, or remove content to improve user experience.

Customer Support Team

Staff spend time selling products and serving customers, not keeping up with FAQs!

More features and benefits of SmartFAQs™ include:

Catch long-tail searches to better serve end users.

Easily edit, add or remove new content to FAQs.

Never create another accordion list again!

Who is SmartFAQs great for?

Organizations with multiple client touch-points: helpdesk, knowledge center, email support, self-service chat bots, etc.
Product owners who want to automatically generate training materials for customers and internal teams.
Marketing and Sales leaders who want to keep complex product information up-to-date and readily available, without relying on technical team capacity.
Support contact centers looking to provide better, faster information for customers.
HR, communications and internal departments to answer questions about processes.
Woman working on the computer at work or home.

Ready to rethink your FAQs? Our AI tools can help.

SearchAI SmartFAQs™

It’s time to rethink FAQs.

Until now, your help desk, support staff, and product marketing teams have had to come up with lists of questions customers might ask. It’s time intensive, they’re impossible to keep up to date, and the questions themselves often miss the mark on how customers actually speak or search for what they need.

FAQs Can Be Improved

SmartFAQs™ automatically eliminates the most annoying parts of creating and maintaining FAQs.

Generate and maintain FAQs with zero effort.

AI crawls PDFs, web content and more to generate context-rich questions which are curated for search relevancy.

Reduce support calls with fast, accurate answers.

You’re no longer limited to a finite, static list of responses. Help users discover answers fast without needing a human interpreter.

Keep users on your site with a unified search experience.

Whether their answer lives in your knowledge base, on product pages, or in your customer portal, users have access to it all in one place.

SearchBlox SmartFAQs™

An independent UX research team reported that SmartFAQs™ helped users find answers 2.5x faster than traditional FAQs.

Give users what they’re really after.

Stop wasting time guessing what users need. Start delivering specific answers to the questions they’re really asking.

Digital Document Files

SmartFAQs AI crawls content sources across the organization to find the right information.

NLP automation generates a related list of context-rich questions.

NLP Automation
Teenage asian woman drinking coffee while sitting on kitchen counter and working on smart phone in morning at home.

Results are tuned for relevancy based on user engagement, keeping FAQs fresh and accurate.

Insights and analytics show what users are actually searching for. It’s easy to add, edit, or remove content to improve user experience.

Organizational Content Insights
Customer Support Team

Staff spend time selling products and serving customers, not keeping up with FAQs!

More features and benefits of SmartFAQs™ include:

Catch long-tail searches to better serve end users.

Easily edit, add or remove new content to FAQs.

Never create another accordion list again!

Who is SmartFAQs great for?

Organizations with multiple client touch-points: helpdesk, knowledge center, email support, self-service chat bots, etc.
Product owners who want to automatically generate training materials for customers and internal teams.
Marketing and Sales leaders who want to keep complex product information up-to-date and readily available, without relying on technical team capacity.
Support contact centers looking to provide better, faster information for customers.
HR, communications and internal departments to answer questions about processes.

Ready to rethink your FAQs? Our AI tools can help.

Woman working on the computer at work or home.

We work with industry leaders.

You’re in very good company.

More than 600 enterprises — some of the biggest names in government, healthcare and financial services — use SearchBlox to power their insight engine.

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