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Robust Personalized Search That Still Delivers on Privacy

Robust Personalized Search That Still Delivers on Privacy 1783 1162 SearchBlox
Consumers want a personalized experience yet are increasingly aware of the dangers of shared data. In this consumer-lead environment, how should a responsible company balance customer desire for a personalized experience with the need to protect privacy? read more
Mother helping her daughters to finish school homework during coronavirus quarantine. They are using laptop.

What is Effective Search Personalization?

What is Effective Search Personalization? 1500 1000 SearchBlox
Personalized enterprise search promises a better experience for users. Unfortunately, a lot of vendors promise personalization but it’s unclear what differentiates one product from another. Here are three critical concepts to help you evaluate personalized search solutions. read more
ux Graphic designer creative sketch planning application process development prototype wireframe for web mobile phone . User experience concept.

Best Practices for Enterprise Search User Experience (UX)

Best Practices for Enterprise Search User Experience (UX) 2000 1272 SearchBlox
Your employees have grown accustomed to well-designed tech platforms and solutions to their daily needs. Follow these practices to ensure your organization’s enterprise search features and best practices create an experience that exceeds their expectations. read more
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