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Modernize Customer Service with AI Assistants

Modernize Customer Service with AI Assistants 2560 1708 SearchBlox
Implementing AI assistants on your website or customer portal can revolutionize your customer service operations, providing 24/7 support, instant responses, and personalized experiences. read more

Generative AI for Search Increases Findability

Generative AI for Search Increases Findability 2000 1125 SearchBlox
Asking “good questions” has often been regarded as an art and science. But recent artificial intelligence advancements, particularly in Generative AI, are giving consumers the freedom to ask whatever question comes to mind. read more

Using SmartSynonyms™️ to Enhance Search

Using SmartSynonyms™️ to Enhance Search 1500 844 SearchBlox
Every year, teams spend countless hours maintaining and expanding synonyms for their organization’s search platform. Unfortunately, this effort is manual and cumbersome — until now. read more
Woman Searching on Laptop

How Does an Organization Make Its Search Technology Better?

How Does an Organization Make Its Search Technology Better? 2560 1729 SearchBlox
Web search engines and prominent social media sites often provide usable and useful search results within a couple of iterations. However, many organizations’ search engines and systems can’t duplicate that success. Why is this happening? read more

SearchBlox Enterprise Search 10.0

SearchBlox Enterprise Search 10.0 2560 1707 SearchBlox

Simple to deploy, easy to manage and truly personalize.SearchBlox Enterprise Search 10.0 is here and…

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Robust Personalized Search That Still Delivers on Privacy

Robust Personalized Search That Still Delivers on Privacy 1783 1162 SearchBlox
Consumers want a personalized experience yet are increasingly aware of the dangers of shared data. In this consumer-lead environment, how should a responsible company balance customer desire for a personalized experience with the need to protect privacy? read more
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