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How to Gain Insight From Search Analytics

How to Gain Insight From Search Analytics 2000 1333 SearchBlox
You know about Google Analytics, but are you familiar with the insight hidden in your search query logs? In this introduction, we show you how to use top queries, zero-results queries, natural language queries and click-through links to improve everything from your inventory to your user experience. read more

What is Cognitive Search?

What is Cognitive Search? 1750 1000 SearchBlox
Understand how cognitive search uses powerful indexing, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning (ML) algorithms “to ingest, understand, organize, and query digital content from multiple data sources.” read more

What is Enterprise Search?

What is Enterprise Search? 2560 1707 SearchBlox
We build our search products on Elasticsearch, the world’s leading open source search and analytics solution. Learn more about the value we add. read more

Chatbots and the User Experience

Chatbots and the User Experience 2560 1707 SearchBlox
Chatbots provide 24/7 support. And they’re patient. They don’t mind if users ask the same question over and over. read more

The Role of Search in Digital Transformation

The Role of Search in Digital Transformation 2560 1707 SearchBlox
Digital transformation isn’t possible unless you enable content access, dismantling information silos in the process. read more
Shot of a young woman sitting on her kitchen counter sending a text message

Add Enterprise Voice Search to Your Website

Add Enterprise Voice Search to Your Website 2560 1708 SearchBlox
Getting started isn’t as hard as it sounds. In fact, with our products, it’s just a three-step process. read more
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